Axel Himmelman: You don't understand. You can't just come to the Sea of Galilee and start walking on water. If you could, everybody would be doing it. You need to prepare yourself.
Eyal: And how would you do that? Please enlighten me.
Axel Himmelman: Well, you need to completely purify yourself. Your heart needs to be like it's clean from the inside: no negativity, no bad thoughts.
Eyal: And then?
Axel Himmelman: And then you can walk on water. I'm sure of it.
Homes de poca fe!
Seràs roure,
seràs penya,
seràs mar esvalotat,
seràs aire que s'inflama,
seràs astre rutilant,
seràs home sobrehome
perquè en tens la voluntat!
(Joan Maragall)
Constitució de l'Observatori Permanent d'Avaluació dels Acords d'Abraham
Barcelona, 15 de desembre de 2024 – El passat 12 i 13 de desembre va tenir
lloc a Barcelona la Conferència Internacional "Israel i els Acords
d'Abraham: De...
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Who are "tey"? The Catholics? The nuns? The Christians? The Gospel according to St Peter?... May be everyone.
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